7 Reasons for becoming an early riser

“Cultivate the habit of early rising, it is unwise to keep the head long on a level with the feet,” said Henry David Throreau The habit of waking up before the sun has many advantages. Following is a list of 7 reasons to cheers the rising Sun and becoming an early riser

1. Improving productivity

Early risers have an edge compare to those who don’t to start their for the day ahead. They also have extra time to perform other activities which they rather won’t do, Studies shows they feel more active then late risers, it also boosts their efficiency. They would feel more energetic throughout the day,

And they would take less time to perform a given task. They are also more skillful in making efficient decisions, thinking out of the box, executing their plan proficiently and accomplishing goals.

7 Reasons for becoming an early riser : Growth and productivity
Image Credit : pixabay.com

2. Solution oriented Outlook

The groove of Early rising translates into success. According to Christoph Randler, [Harvard Biologist], early risers are more proactive. They’re also more likely to foresee problems and face them proficiently. As a result they are more successful in their personal and professional life.

One with a proactive outlook don’t require any supervision to perform in a given situation or need to wait for any advice to face any challenge. It leads to improve his productivity because he anticipate the situation‘s needs in an advance, always ready to confront unfortunate ramifications for any decision taken,

3. Quality Bedtime

It change your lifestyle and your outlook altogether, It will allow you crash out to your bed early and get full amount of scientifically recommended hours of sleep. Early raising habit should be cultivated as habit followed evenly. Gradually it will improve quality of your sleep as your body clock accustomed to a new sleeping pattern,

More rest means more energy, and the one manage his sleeping pattern, can be more vibrant and energetic throughout the day, helping you accomplish your goals and tasks in a faster rate and more productive manner.

7 Reasons for becoming an early riser : Sound Sleep
Image Credit : pixabay.com

4. Mental fitness

Many Studies, suggest early rising people have higher levels of happiness than their fellow night owl counterparts. When you rise early, it get rid of the need to rush and hustle in the morning. It remarkably helps in bringing down your stress level.

You can enjoy the calmness and freshness around and great your day on a cheerful and optimistic note. The peaceful and positivity would keep you charged up round the clock. You can also commute easily to your workplace when the traffic is lighter.

This is the quietest time of the day. we are not in a rush, & perfect time to set goals and tackle the tasks that of high priority with more focus. The cognitive reserves of yours would be at its peak. And they can handle any situation with ease.

7 Reasons for becoming an early riser : Sound mind
Image Credit : pixabay.com

5. Academic performance

Studies shows those who rose early in the morning get remarkably better result in exams than their night owl fellow counterparts. As they likely to have quality sleep and good time management

It has a vast array of benefits like enhancing your overall productivity at your work, helps you to follow better and timely diet plan, helps you to have high energy levels which leads to your pleasant mood eventually,

6. Best Workout Time

According Harvard Medical School’s magazine, regular work out releases brain chemicals like endorphins, [feel good hormone]: which are vital for mental health. The circadian rhythmic pattern improves your sleep health, which is a essential component that influences how well your brain functions.

Exercising in the morning help in increasing your stamina both mentally and physically, provides energy and boosts motivation, which will enhance overall efficiency it is also super healthy for you! It burns more calories,

7 Reasons for becoming an early riser : Best workout Time
Image Credit : pixabay.com

7. Health Benefits

Regular sleep is important to keep your health in good shape. Full night sleep reduces your blood pressure, make your muscles to relax, regenerate and repair, increases blood supply to muscles, growth hormones get released vital for muscles development,

The rate of breathing get slow while sleeping, According to many research white blood cells which aid to fight infection, tend to drip when we get a full night’s sleep and our immune system get regenerated

Healthy and timely breakfast is basic necessity to maintain physical and mental health in long run. Our skin looks its best in the morning after a complete night’s restful sleep. as it gets the proper time to rejuvenate itself.

Tips to remember

Following are the useful tips to get into a new groove of getting up early in the morning, but these few tips will help guide you into being both mentally and physically prepared to kick start your day.

  • Accept yourself : If you have decided and have good reasons why you want to wake up early in morning. then accept yourself even if fail to get up early initially. Don’t be harsh to yourself. Remember ‘Rome was not built in a day’.
  • Go to bed early : Plan your time and daily activities in advance so that you can sleep early, it will be helpful for you to crash early. You can also read a book or mediate to relax your mind before sleeping.
  • Avoid Distractions The major distractions for staying up late are watching TV, surfing the Internet and spending time on social media platforms. The blue light emitted from gadgets like mobile, tablet, TV etc can lead to imbalance in your melatonin levels that help with your falling asleep.
  • Proper acclimation You would be fully awaken and get properly accustomed for the day and can utilize the space around you to unwind your thoughts and remove all mental baggage by early rising.


Successful people like Richard Branson, Tim Gunn and Indra Nooyi are early riser and attribute their success to this habit. Finally, Let me just say if you are a night owl, and that works for you, I think that’s awesome. There’s no reason to change, especially if you’re happy with it..

But in long run and to have sound body and mind, one have to pay attention to his sleeping pattern. The circadian rhythmic pattern is a major component that influences how well your brain functions. A sound sleep directly related to how our brain processes information and stores memory.

Apart from this, Early rising can help you to take up new habits. You can kickstart your day with for ex. having a nice cup of coffee or tea. Reading a book or magazine, Go for walk or gym. Watch the sunrise or simply sit and enjoy the silence of the morning in meditation.

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