Shunya Mudra | Heaven Mudra – Steps, Precautions and Benefits

Shunya / Shoonya Mudra ( शून्य मुद्रा ) is also known by different names – ‘Aakash Shaamak’, ‘Heaven Mudra’ or ‘Hand Gesture of Emptiness’. This mudra helps to stimulate the energy flow throughout the body. Here we would discuss about various such benefitssteps precautions for performing ‘Shunya Mudra’.

The name ‘Shunya Mudra’ is the combination of two Sanskrit words – ‘Shunya’ ( शून्य ) means ‘emptiness’ or ‘spaciousness’ and ‘Mudra’ ( मुद्रा ) meaning ‘seal’ or ‘hand gesture’. In this mudra, the tip of middle fingers are placed at the base of thumbs that press on middle fingers below the knuckle meanwhile other fingers remain stretched.

Shunya Mudra | Heaven Mudra - Steps, Precautions and Benefits
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The term ‘Shunya’ may also refer to the ‘sky’, ‘space’, ‘ether’, ‘void’ or ‘heaven’. Thereby Shunya Mudra is also called ‘Heaven Mudra’. This mudra involves middle fingers and thumbs that are the symbol of ‘space’ and ‘fire’ elements in the body respectively.

Shunya Mudra balances and reduces excess Akasha – the space or ether element in your body. The excessive rise of space element does not allow any other elements of ‘Panchatatva’ within the body that results into ‘Bi – doshas’ and ‘Tri – doshas Prakriti’.

How to practice Shunya Mudra – Heaven Mudra

Following are the step – by – step instructions to follow for the practice of Shunya Mudra :

Step 1 :

  • Begin the practice of Shunya mudra by sitting in any meditative posture such as Padmasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana etc.

Step 2 :

  • Place both hands on your knees with palm facing upward direction then close your eyes and take some deep breathes.

Step 3 :

  • As a modification or variations of Shunya aka Heaven Mudra, you may also keep your open eyes during its performance.

Step 4 :

  • Now fold your middle fingers over the palms of your hands and press it (near first phalanx) with the base of your thumbs.

Step 5 :

  • Keep the rest of your fingers pointing towards sky and extend them as much as possible according to your comfort level.

Step 6 :

  • You may perform Shunya aka the Heaven mudra posture for about 10 minutes in a stretch or in different smaller sessions.

Health Benefits of Shunya Mudra – Heaven Mudra

Following are the major Health Benefits of Shunya Mudra that you may attain with regular practice :

  • Shunya Mudra helps to improve the blood circulation throughout body that relieves fatigue, tingling or numbness.
  • Shunya Mudra improves the functioning of your thyroid hormones & cures many diseases such as hypothyroidism.
  • The regular practice of Shunya Mudra aids to boost your confidence, willpower, intuition and cognitive capabilities.
  • Shunya mudra activates Anahata chakra that controls your self-expression, communication & evokes compassion.
  • During the practice of Shunya Mudra your energy circulation get channelized towards the heart or Anahata chakra.
  • The practice of Shunya Mudra aids to balance & regulate the growth of Akasha Tatwa (space element) in the body.
  • Shunya Mudra activates an acupressure point of Atrium near the base of thumb that allows blood to enter in heart.
  • The practice of Shunya mudra also balances Vata dosha that is related with nervous system and waste elimination.
  • By performing Shunya Mudra regularly you would be able to hear Anahata sounds during the meditation sessions.
  • Shunya Mudra improves your hearing power and cures many ear-related problems like tinnitus, ear pain, deafness.
  • Shunya mudra helps to prevent mental stress, dizziness, vertigo, motion sickness, lightheadedness and nausea etc.

Tips For Beginners

  • Shunya Mudra is safe pose yet as a precaution avoid its practice if you’re feeling weakness in the body.
  • You can perform Shunya Mudra in various position such as sitting, supine, prone, standing, walking etc.
  • Shunya Mudra is one of the pose that can be practiced either with empty stomach or with full stomach.

Preparatory Mudras

  • Prithvi Mudra
  • Varun Mudra
  • Agochari Mudra

Follow-Up Mudras

  • Khechari Mudra
  • Bhoochari Mudra


The regular practice of Shunya Mudra offers numerous health benefits – boosts your confidence, relieves fatigue and numbness, stimulates heart chakra, prevents mental stress, improves blood flow, treats ear – related disorders etc.

We really hope that this article would be useful guide for your practice of Shunya Mudra. Try out this excellent mudra to boost mind-body coordination and share your thoughts, views and suggestions on this blogpost in the comment section.

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FAQs Related To Shunya Mudra and its Benefits

How do the practice of Shunya Mudra help to improve overall health ?

Shunya Mudra is one of the safe and simple posture that offers wide range of health benefits – relief many ear related disorders, improves blood circulation, rejuvenates your body and relieves from numbness in any part of the body.

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