5 Amazing Benefits of cooking in Clay Pots

The use of clay potteries dates back to ancient Chinese, Greek and Indus Valley Civilization. Nowadays, these clay crookeries are barely used for cooking and mostly serving as decorative artefacts. But still. there are lot many places in India especially the rural areas still uses Clay Pots to cook food. As It offer host of numerous health benefits of cooking in clay pots.

Earthenware have always been an integral part of Indian households, From storing drinking water to preparing delicious dishes, it has versatile uses, Food cooked in earthenware gives it the earthy flavors which fuses with pungent taste of the ingredients.

 clay pot cooking benefits
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Amazing benefits of cooking in Clay Pots

1. Aesthetic Appeal

Clay potteries are available in different shapes, size and designs. The pleasant looking crookeries add a touch of class and ethnicity to the dining table. You can surely get varieties to pick up that will serve your requirements.

Weather it is using a kulhad for morning chai or Storing water in a matka for cooling have aesthetic appeal in it, If you are planning to have these crookeries for kitchen collection, It is surely going to be your memorable experience..

5 clay pot cooking benefits
Image Credit : pixabay.com

2. Maintains Nutritive Value

It also adds so many vital nutrients like sulfur, iron, calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium to the food. These are that are remarkably beneficial for your body. Moreover, it retains the nutritional level which tends to get lost when cooked in other metal utensils,

Cooking in clay potteries is a slow process which allows moisture and heat to flow all over the food, The thermal inertia helps the meat proteins and collagen denaturation. Thus keeping meat tender for a longer duration.

3. Enhance Flavours

The porous nature of a clay pot, tandoor or handi enhance the flavours of your dishes. For example it adds earthy flavours of biryani and Mishti Doi. Earthenware gives marvelous aroma and taste to boiling milk or brewing cup of tea,

The porosity of earthenware preserve the natural moisture and natural oils present in the food. It also prevent the food from drying out. They Also maintain warmth of the food for long. Thus it preserve the loss of nutrition on reheating the food.

5 clay pot cooking benefits
Image Credit : pixabay.com

4. Prevent Diseases

Clay pots are alkaline in nature and it interacts with the acidity in the food, Hence it neutralize the pH balance and makes it healthy and easy to digest. Food containing high pH level is best to prevent and treat disease like cancer. The food cooked in clay pots acts as a natural detox as it not only neutralizes the acidity of the food.

Clay potteries are heat-resistant, make cooking a slow process, It cut down on excess oil, Excessive use of oil for cooking is one of the leading causes of weight gain and other cardiovascular diseases.

5. Promote Zero waste culture

Clay potteries are affordable and easy on your pocket. You can find them easily to any nearby potteries shops. If you do proper seasoning of earthenware before its use, it will become durable

Adoption of traditional lifestyle is a step towards zero waste or plastic free culture. Unglazed garden pots made from natural clay and are form any glazes or contaminants. It would hep your plant to grow organically.

houseplant, plant, foliage
Image Credit : pixabay.com

Tips to remember

Before Cooking

  • Before using clay pots you need to immerse clay pot in water overnight. The water will enter in the porous layer and helps to circulate the moisture all over the food. Beware of piping hot lid while removing it.
  • This seasoning process strengthen the pot, makes it resistant to cracks and also helps to eliminate the smell of clay.
  • Clay pots are sensitive to extreme temperature as it will break them easily.

Post Cooking

  • To clean clay ware, pour in piping hot water and scrub with a brush gently.
  • Add some salt or baking soda and cleanse it.
  • If food strains are still there then, let it there with that baking soda solution overnight, next morning the food remains will come off easily.
pottery, craft, clay
Image Credit : pixabay.com

Which one is best – Glazed or Unglazed Cooking Pots ?

The glazed clay coated with harmful toxins substances like lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium. It emits these toxins, when they are heated up during the process of cooking, It contaminate food and causes various health issues.

Cooking in unglazed Clay Pots is healthy and safe, Unlike, glazed clay ware, these are non toxic in nature. Unglazed Clay pots are bio-degradable, If you really looking forward for cooking in clay pots, make sure you to buy unglazed ones. benefits of cooking in clay pots.


An unglazed clay pot enhance the taste and nutritional value of the food. Maybe It’s time for us to forsake other metal cookware for pure clay cookeries to cook our food. benefits of cooking in clay pots.

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