Health Benefits of Banana Flowers

Banana flower has excellent therapeutic and nutritional properties, It is also known as Banana Blossom. It is loaded with vital multi nutrients and fibers. This superfood is packed with vitamins like Vitamin A, C and E and minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, copper, magnesium and phosphorous which are essential to perform various bodily functions.

Following are11 major health benefits of banana flowers :

1. Prevent Infections

Banana flower are helpful in treating infections and wounds. The banana flower are rich in ethanol that can inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as malarial parasite and E coli. This compound also known for its anti-microbial properties. That is why banana flower have been used to heal wounds and skin infections traditionally.

2. Slow the Aging Process

These flowers are rich in compounds with antioxidant properties for example are rich in vitamin C, tannins and flavonoids,. Antioxidants are important for the body’s health because they reduce stress on cells throughout the body and can help to slow down the aging process by fighting free radicals.

Health Benefits of Banana Flowers
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3. Healthy Heart

Banana flowers are great rich source potassium which can protect your heart because it acts like a virtual antidote to sodium present in your body. Eating banana Flowers normalize your blood pressure naturally, As High blood pressure can increase the of risk cardiac arrest, it lowers the risk associated with it.

4. Improve Digestion

Banana flowers are a good source of fibers which help to treat poor digestion and the problems associated with it like heartburn, indigestion, ulcers, indigestion and constipation. It contain both soluble and insoluble fibers which speed up digestion and swell up your stools and reduces the risk of constipation respectively. Both of them enhance the healthy digestion and absorption of food.

5. Treat Constipation

The banana flower help to invigorates healthy performance of the kidneys. It lowers the possibility of inflammation and urinary infections. The alkalinity of banana flower, counterbalances the acid secretions in the stomach. Additionally, dietary fibers and other essential nutrients of banana flowers work as a purgatives and treat constipation naturally.

Health Benefits of Banana Flowers
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6. Prevent Anemia

Banana flowers are rich in iron content which increases the levels of Haemoglobin and red blood cell production. Banana flowers prevents Anemia and associated with anaemia such as fatigue, tiredness, irregular heartbeat, pale skin, cold feet and hands.

7. Control Diabetes

According to the study banana flower increase glucose uptake, which in turn reduces insulin levels. Banana flower are also rich in fiber, which helps the body to break down food more slowly. Thus it inhibits any spikes in the blood sugar that can lead to uncontrolled complications of diabetes like kidney or cardiovascular diseases.

8. Promote Relaxation

Health benefits of banana flowers include reduction in anxiety and stress as they are natural anti depressants. It is rich source of magnesium which help to improves your mood and lessens anxiety, It also relax our body naturally and promotes sound sleep, As restful sleep. is an essential to help reduce the stress and its side effects.

Health Benefits of Banana Flowers
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9. Help lactating Mothers

Banana flower is a galactagogues vegetable thus help lactating mothers by increasing milk supply for breast feeding. Banana flowers also prevent constipation during pregnancy and excessive bleeding post-delivery,

10. Cure menstrual problems

Many women suffer from irregular periods due to low progesterone levels. According to Ayurveda, banana flowers can help to boost the body’s progesterone levels and regulate a woman’s hormones and reduce excessive menstrual bleeding. Cooked banana flowers can help deal with pain abdomen and help women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Health Benefits of Banana Flowers
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11. Contain Antioxidants

Banana flower contains antioxidants like tannins, phenols, flavonoids. These antioxidants reduces the risk of cancer and heart diseases by neutralizing free radicals. The free radicals may cause disorders like Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease. The methanol present in banana flower extracts possess antioxidant properties which fights anti aging symptoms. These health supplements fight many diseases.


Banana plant is a ideal example to give, when it comes to Zero Waste management. Because virtually all part of the banana tree can be used – leaf, fruit, flowers and stems. Its flowers are used to make traditional medicine not only in India but also in many south east Asian countries. As health benefits of banana flowers are numerous, it also form a part of their cuisines as well.

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Some FAQs related to Banana Flowers

Are banana flowers healthy for lactating and pregnant women?

Banana flowers or Banana Blossoms are well known galactagogues food which improve the milk production for breast feeding. Banana flowers also ward off pregnancy constipation and heavy bleeding after delivery.

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