Kala Bhairavasana ( काल भैरवासन ) is also known as ‘Destroyer of the Universe Pose’. This pose is a part of Hatha yoga that promotes mind-body coordination and offers great stretching of groins, ankles, back etc. Besides this, it makes your body strong and flexible. Here, we’ll discuss various such benefits, steps and precautions for performing Kala Bhairavasana.
The Sanskrit word Kala Bhairavasana ( काल भैरवासन ) is the combination of two word Kalabhairava ( कालभैरव ) meaning ‘Shiva in his most formidable form‘, or ‘frightful‘ and Asana ( आसन ) means “seat” or “pose. It’s a part of advance level Astanga yoga series that involves arm balance, side-bends, twist, stretches etc. In this way, it works as the whole body workout.

Kala Bhairavasana has been name named after Lord Shiva’s fierce incarnation, known as Kalabhairava’ This form of Lord Shiva is often associated with annihilation, who destroys everything that is negative and evil in nature – illusions, fears, ignorance, ego, attachment, bad habits, etc. So, he is known as the destroyer of the Universe for enabling new creations.
As per Hindu texts, the universe is eternal and cyclic. The cosmos is created, destroyed, and re-created in a series of cycles. It is believed Lord Kalabhairava chopped off one of Lord Brahma’s five heads when the latter became arrogant and egoist as the creator of the Universe. This event destroyed Lord Brahma’s ego, made him realize his mistake & got enlightened.
How to practice Kala Bhairavasana ( Destroyer of the Universe Pose )
The main variations of Kala Bhairavasana are Reclined Formidable Pose or Supta Bhairavasana, Vasisthasana and Kasyapasana.
To get the maximum benefits and to avoid any injury, follow the below mentioned step-by-step guide to do Kala Bhairavasana :
Step 1
- Sit down on the floor and begin the posture with Dandasana ( The staff pose ) by stretching legs forward.
Step 2
- Bend your right knee and hold your right foot with hands. Now, bring right elbow under your right knee.
Step 3
- Raise your right foot further upwards and place it behind your neck, keeping both hands above ground.
Step 4
- Inhale and straighten your spine. Bring both your hands in Anjali Mudra ( prayer position ) near the chest.
Step 5
- Slowly, start pressing your left palm and left foot into the floor to come into a side plank on your left side.
Step 6
- Raise your right hand up towards the roof and align your body diagonally from your left heel to the crown.
Step 7
- Shift your entire body weight to your left side. Gradually. rotate your head up and gaze at your right palm.
Step 8
- Hold the pose for at least 30 – 60 seconds, repeat the pose on your left side for the same amount of time.
Step 9
- To come out of this pose, lower your body and release your right foot to sit up straight in the staff position.
Step 10
- Finally, breathe out and relax while ducking your head in forward direction and pushing abdomen inwards.
Benefits of Kala Bhairavasana ( Destroyer Of The Universe Pose )
Following are Top 5 Benefits of Kala Bhairavasana ( Destroyer Of The Universe Pose), that you may attain with regular practice :.
This yoga posture helps to improve digestion, blood flow, flexibility, self awareness, sub–consciousness and relieves body pain.
1. Kala Bhairavasana strengthens muscles
- This asana helps to strengthens the wrist, elbows, spine, legs, knees, ankles, toes, shoulders and core muscles.
- It not only cures neck and back pain but also makes your inner hips, thighs and back muscles flexible and strong.
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2. Kala Bhairavasana cures respiratory disorders
- This pose aids in opening the chest and nasal passage, thereby uplifts respiratory system and relieves sinusitis.
- Apart from this, its regular practice also increases endurance of muscles and relieves all the accumulated stress.
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3. Kala Bhairavasana improves digestion
- This asana offers great massaging effect to the abdominal organs that cures indigestion, gas and constipation.
- It also helps to reduce belly fat, tones muscles, balances hormones secretion & body improves metabolism rate.
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4. Kala Bhairavasana soothes nervous system
- This pose provides multiple psychological benefits like inner peace, quality sleep, improved concentration power.
- Moreover, it also help to overcome anger, anxiety, frustration, mental fatigue, cures insomnia and relieves stress.
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5. Kala Bhairavasana stretches muscles
- This pose involves side–bending and twisting of torso stretching the arms, hamstrings, legs and hips muscles.
- Moreover, its regular practice also offers great stretching to the hip–flexors, core, spine, biceps and triceps, etc.
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6. Kala Bhairavasana is good for Women Health
- The practice of Kala Bhairavasana stimulates ovaries & uterus, that serves as a treatment for infertility in women.
- It also improves blood flow to the private parts that relieves menstrual discomforts, like irritation, cramps etc.
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Precautions and Contraindications
- People with any injuries in lower back, wrist, neck, elbow, shoulder, knees, hips or spine must avoid its practice.
- You shouldn’t practice this advance yoga posture, if you have High Blood Pressure or any headache problem.
- The practice of this asana should be avoided, if you’re suffering from sciatica, hernia, slip disc and cervical pain.
- Women should avoid the practice of this pose during their pregnancy & menstruation to avert complications.
Preparatory Poses
- Camatkarasana
- Vasisthasana
- Hindolasana
- Pashasana
- Hanumanasana
- Sarvangasana
Follow up Poses
- Gomukhasana
- Balasana
- Bhujangasana
- Visvamitrasana
- Kapinjalasana
Tips For Beginners
You may face difficulty in practicing Kala Bhairavaasana, as your body must be absolutely flexible before you start doing this asana.
- You may push your chest forward to position the ankle behind your head.
- Always practice this asana under the supervision of a certified yoga expert.
- You should practice a lot of basic yoga exercises to make the body flexible.
The practice of this challenging pose help you open to face all life challenges, negative emotions. Kala Bhairavasana stimulates Muladhara (root) and Ajna (third eye) chakras that are associated with inner peace and intuition.
We really hope that this article would be useful guide for your practice of Kala Bhairavasana. Here. we would like to invite you to please share your views and suggestions on this post in the comment section down below.
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FAQs Related to Kala Bhairavasana and related benefits
What is the best time to perform Kala Bhairavasana ?
You can practice Kala Bhairavasana, both in morning and evening empty stomach. It is advisable to maintain the gap of at least keep a 3-5 hours between your practice and meal. This would ensure the food is digested and your body has energy to perform the asana.
How do Kala Bhairavasana improve flexibility of body ?
Kala Bhairavasana involves side bending and twisting of torso, arms, hamstrings, legs and hips muscles. It’s one of the best hip–opening exercise. Daily practice of this asana, regulates blood circulation in your body that cures many blood–related diseases.