Makarasana ( मकरासन ) is also known by different names – ‘Nakrasana‘ or ‘the Crocodile Pose‘. This restorative and healing posture that cools down the body giving your body necessary rest after every intense yoga session. Here, we’ll talk about various such benefits, steps and precautions for performing ‘Makarasana’.
The Sanskrit name Makarasana ( मकरासन ) is the combination of two words – “Makara” ( मकर ) meaning “Crocodile” and “Asana” ( आसन ) meaning “Posture”. In this prone pose, a yogi need to lie on the ground supporting his chin on his palms by folding hands in the front. Meanwhile, eyes should be gazing to a point on the mat or ground.

Makarasana resembles a crocodile taking rest in water, keeping its face and neck above the surface of water. It is a beginner–level yoga asana that relaxes the nervous system, muscular system and relieves various body pain.
The Crocodile Pose is a part of Hatha Yoga that offers deep calming effects on both mind and body. This excellent pose not only strengthens back and shoulders but also open up the chest and improves body posture.
How to practice Makarasana – The Crocodile Pose
Following are the step – by – step instructions to follow for the practice of Makarasana aka The Crocodile Pose
Step 1 :
- Lie down straight on the ground on your stomach and stretch out the legs with your toes facing outwards.
Step 2 :
- Now, slowly raise your chest, shoulders and head upwards, keeping your neck straight and looking ahead.
Step 3 :
- Bring your hands to the front placing tips of elbows on the floor by folding them at shoulder distance apart.
Step 4 :
- Join both the elbows to make a stand with your fingers facing upwards to place your palms under the chin.
Step 5 :
- Breathe normally, rest your head in the palms, feel your body touching the ground and relax your muscles.
Step 6 :
- Remain in the final pose for about 2 – 3 minutes or as per your body’s comfort to completely relax yourself.
Step 7 :
- To release the posture remove your palms from the chin, bring shoulders chest and head down to the floor.
Step 8 :
- You should gaze down & bring the arms to you sides near the butts. Repetition of this pose is not required.
Modifications and Variations
Advasana (Reverse corpse pose) or Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) are two major variations of Makarasana or the Crocodile pose.
To deepen experience during Makarasana, try out the following modifications and find a suitable variation that works for you :
- To avoid any pressure or neck injury you may place a folded blanket around the neck as support during this asana.
- You can stay lying in horizontal position and place your forehead on hands placed in front of you with closed eyes.
Health Benefits of Makarasana – Crocodile Pose
The powerful calming effects of this relaxing pose makes it easier to hold the body in seated meditation for longer.
Following are major Health Benefits of Makarasana – The Crocodile Pose that you may attain with regular practice :
1. Makarasana improves your Mental Health
- Makarasana helps to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, tension, fatigue and makes mind active and rejuvenated.
- Moreover, the Crocodile pose also cures mental disorders by clearing your mind from all the disturbing thoughts.
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2. Makarasana strengthens Different Muscles
- Makarasana strengthens and stretches the abdomen, shoulders, chest, neck, back arms, legs and hips muscles.
- Apart from this it also offers deep relaxation to the spine, relieves stiffness and corrects poor or hunched posture.
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3. Makarasana Helps to Alleviate Body Pain
- Makarasana reduce accumulated tension in muscles & relieve pain from back, knees, waist, chest, shoulders etc.
- Plus, this pose is highly beneficial in managing cervical, slip disc, spondylitis, sciatica pain and menstrual cramps.
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4. Makarasana relaxes the Circulatory System
- Regular practice of Makarasana helps to remove blockages and improves blood circulation throughout the body.
- It also brings in fresh blood and helps to prevent heart diseases, stabilizes High blood pressure & cures insomnia.
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5. Makarasana boosts the Respiratory Health
- The Crocodile Pose helps to improve diaphragmatic breathing & cures many lung related issues such as asthma.
- The slow and rhythmic breathing during this asana lower oxygen intake that allow the respiratory system to relax.
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6. Makarasana stimulates the Internal Organs
- Makarasana improves functioning of abdominal organs like spleen, urinary bladder, liver, pancreas and intestines.
- The pressure on the belly in this pose massages abdominal area that improves digestion and cures constipation.
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Precautions and Contraindications
Following are some precautions that are necessary to be kept in mind before you start practicing Makarasana aka the Crocodile Pose.
- Avoid doing this asana if you have any serious injury or pain in your lower back, arms, neck, wrists and shoulders.
- If you’ve any stomach disorders, high blood pressure or exaggerated lumbar curve should avoid doing this pose.
- You should avoid looking upward while doing Makarasna if you’ve undergone through any recent spinal surgery.
- Pregnant women are advised to avoid doing the pose as it requires you to balance bodyweight on core muscles.
Preparatory Poses
- Bhujangasana
- Gomukhasana
- Supta Virasana
- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Follow-Up Poses
- Dhanurasana
- Ustrasana
- Bharadwajasana
- Shalabasana,
- Salmba Sarvangasana
Tips For Beginners
- Makarasana is a beginner level yoga asana thus you can as relaxing pose in workout regimens at the end of a yoga session.
- You may practice this asana both in morning and evening with gap of 2-4 hours gap between your meal and your practice.
- If you’ve any medical ailment, consult healthcare provider and practice it under the supervision of a certified yoga teacher.
- It is easy to fall asleep during the practice of Makarasana thus it’s important to keep yourself awake to reap its full benefits.
Makarasana offers numerous health benefits – prevents heart diseases, reduces symptoms related to PMS, massaging effects on reproductive organs, boost mental balance, enhances alertness, keep mind refreshed, opens chest, heart and shoulders etc.
We really hope that this article would be useful guide for your practice of Makarasana aka Crocodile Pose. Try out this wonderful asana after a long tiring day and do share your thoughts, views and suggestions on this article in the comment section down below.
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FAQs Related to Makarasana and its Health Benefits
Why do Makarasana usually performed at the end of yoga session ?
The practice of Makarasana at the end of a yoga session helps to relaxed muscles and cool down the body completely. By engaging core muscles during its practice our Manipura or Naval Chakra get stimulated that cures stomach related disorders.
Do the practice of Makarasana improve functioning of internal organs ?
Makarasana is a prone position that requires a lot of control and flexibility of back. This asana relieves the tensions from lower back muscles and reduces spasm. It also stimulates muscles around the sacrum that supports the spine and helps to flex the hips.