With the restrictions loosening in many parts of the world, people have started anticipations for resuming their vacation or business travels again. If you’re also planning for a air travel in near future, here are top safety tips for air traveling during COVID–19 outbreak.
Evidently, COVID–19 is still serious threat, especially those haven’t been vaccinated yet. There’s no doubt that any upcoming air travels would bring you into closer to many people and a variety of frequently touched surfaces — both in airport and on the aircraft.

11 safety tips for air traveling during COVID-19 era
As there was an unprecedented surge in COVID-19 infections during second wave across India, it is crucial to maintain safety protocols during traveling to secure yourself and others around you. Thus travelling responsibly is the need of the hour.
The phased reopening provides a great moment to release the build up frustrations due to staying at home for months. While daily number of confirmed COVID-19 cases nationwide are still high, it reasonably makes people anxious about traveling.
1. Get your flu shots
The wide-spread vaccination drive is the only solution for ending the coronavirus pandemic, but this is not going to happen overnight. For the moment, continue taking all precautions to protect yourself and others if you must travel.
Get yourself vaccinated whenever it’s possible and if the vaccine requires you to take two doses, then wait at least 2 weeks after getting your second vaccine jab to travel. As your body need time to build antibodies after vaccination.

2. Know the COVID-19 Rates at Your Destination
Even if you’re vaccinated, the risk of developing COVID-19, though its new variants aka breakthrough infections is always there. At present we’re still learning the efficacy of W.H.O approved vaccines against new COVID-19 variants.
Therefore, it’s important for you to assess COVID–19 levels in the community you live and the one you’re traveling to. And you should reconsider your travel plans if the risk of community spread and the rate of COVID–19 is high.

3. Check local requirements and restrictions for travelers
You must constantly follow local and state health and travel guidelines as they’re constantly being updated depending on local conditions. Thus, you should flexible enough to make any last minutes changes as per travel policies during your trip.
You can take advice from your travel consultant to stay up–to–date with rules and requirements of your destination. Get all the details like quarantine, mask and testing requirements, accommodation, flight changes, cancellations and layovers.

4. Postpone your non-essential trips
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you should delay your travel plans and stay at home until you have been fully vaccinated. Get vaccinate yourself with govt approved vaccines as early as possible. That’s why be mindful while flying during pandemic.
Thus, always stay vigilant and travel mindfully, if you’re not fully vaccinated. In India, to get any updates regarding the coronavirus, simply download Arogya Setu mobile app or follow the government health bulletins from its official website. Safety tips for air traveling.

5. Practice good hand hygiene
Wash your hands every time you eat, drink, cough, sneeze, blow nose or touch any commonly touched surfaces both onboard or at the airport. Use soap and water or use a hand sanitizer which is at least 60% alcohol for at least 20 seconds.
However, many airlines are trying to make your journey hassle free travel by introducing new social distancing policies and cleaning protocols. The contactless check-in and electrostatic antimicrobial sprays can help your hands virus–free.

6. Avoid touching your face
The COVID-19 virus transmits through droplets of mucus or saliva, when a infected person cough or sneeze and other person come in contact with these droplets. Thus avoid touching your face, nose and mouth with unwashed hands to stop transmission.
Though airports and aircrafts have undergone through stringent cleaning with hygiene measures during COVID-19 pandemic. But this can’t guarantee every surface would be clean. So carry antibacterial wipes to clean your seat tray table, seatbelt, armrest etc.

7. Wear face mask throughout your travel
The wearing of facemasks to fully cover your mouth and nose would protect you from catching COVID –19 and reduce of risks of transmission effectively. Thus always wear mask especially when you cough or sneezes.
Almost all airlines require you to cover your face with a mask while on the aircraft and in the airport with some exceptions. You can uncover your mask while eating or drinking when other person next to you is wearing his face mask.

8. Breathe Freely
Most modern aircrafts have High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters that will filter 99.97% of airborne contaminants such as viruses and bacteria from the cabin air. This allow commuters to breathe clean air & remain protected from pathogens.
Moreover, Airports like I. G. International Airport, Delhi has a highly efficient HVAC ( Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning) system that exchanges the air inside the terminal at regular intervals. Thus, it also ensure the highest possible air quality.
9. Keep distance from others
The minimum recommended distance to prevent transmission of viruses is about 4 to 6 feet. However maintaining social distancing in a aircraft crammed with strangers for hours together is quite difficult.
A study shows the importance of wearing face masks and physical distancing to curb transmission via surface contact. Always, follow the crew instructions and seat markers to avoid close contact with others.

10. Refrain from eating and drinking
You should avoid eating or drinking while onboard, but if necessary be quick. When you need to remove your mask, make sure other people in your vicinity are wearing their masks on. If not ask them politely to do so.
It is better to skip the alcoholic and caffeinated beverages while flying as this may led to dehydration in an existing dry cabin environment. Always, keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water until you touch down.

11. Go for COVID Testing
You should consider testing yourself before and after travel, as this may reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Many countries like the US, require everyone on international trips to show their negative test on arrival.
Testing is a vital tool in the fight against coronavirus and If you test positive before or after your travel, you should immediately isolate yourself from others. Stay home and observe public health recommendations.

What flying carry-on essentials to add in your packing list?
When you start packing for your trip, consider the following list and grab these essential safe-travel supplies during COVID-19 summer:
- Pack extra face masks, tissues and PPE for travel,
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol),
- Disinfectant wipes (at least 70% alcohol) for surfaces,
- Thermometer and cough drops,
- Pack your test results,
- Take comfy pair of long pants and long sleeve shirts,
- Pack few easy grab-and-go foods into plastic bags.
- Protein snacks like Granola bars,
- Gum to chew while flying,
Also read : Devices To Maintain Good Health during COVID-19 Lockdown

Hopefully, all the suggestions and travel advices shared in this article would help reduce the fears related to air travel during this pandemic. Making a well thought, smart and careful traveling is the best way to stop the transmission. Safety Tips for air traveling.
Many countries are removing restrictions and COVID-19 travel ban as the infection rates are dropping every day. The numbers of people getting vaccinated against COVID–19 are also growing which has made travel safer than last year.
FAQs Related To Air Travelling during COVID-19 Pandemic
Do I still need to take precautions during my flight, if I'm vaccinated?
The COVID-19 vaccines help you to fight virus and keep you well protected. But If you have any immunocompromising diseases, you may still not fully protected even if you are fully vaccinated as antibodies get develop fully over a period of 2 weeks.
Can leaving the middle seat empty in a aircraft reduce in-flight transmission?
A study by the CDC, found that leaving the middle seat open can reduce COVID exposure by up to 57%. The transmission of infectious diseases via cough droplets get significantly reduced when passengers seated far away than two seats on either side.
Can window seat can help me avoid inadvertent close contacts with others?
A window seat could be safer options then aisles as having a wall on one side would protect you from inadvertent close–proximity contacts from others. Sitting down in one place would ensure lesser disturbances in the cabin ventilation patterns.
Does using the aircraft's washroom increase the risk of exposure to COVID virus?
Different studies show passengers without mask may get infected while using aircraft’s washroom by the aerosol droplets. Thus, it’s worth not to take off your mask in the toilet as you are unaware of the hygiene and medical conditions of the last occupants.
References :
- Bae, S. H. & Shin, H. . & Koo, H. Y. & Lee, S. W. & Yang, . M. & Yon, D. K. (2020). Asymptomatic Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 on Evacuation Flight. CDC, 26, number 11.
- Kirking, H. L. & Cortes, J. . & Burrer, S. . & Hall, A. J. & Cohen, N. J. & Lipman, H. . & Kim, C. . & Daly, E. R. & Fishbein, . B. (2010). Likely Transmission of Norovirus on an Airplane, October 2008. Clinical Infectious Diseases, Vol. 50(9), 1216-1221.
Really informative blog. Thanks