Udgeeth pranayama ( उद्गीत प्राणायाम ) is also known as Omkari Japa or Omkara Chanting. This pranayama helps to relieve insomnia, boost concentration level, cure mild depression and other brain related problems. Here we would discuss about various such health benefits, steps and precautions for practicing ‘Udgeeth Pranayama’.
The Sanskrit name Udgeeth Pranayama ( उद्गीत प्राणायाम ) is the combination of four words — Ud ( उद् ) means ‘up’, ‘forth’ or ‘arising’, ‘Geeth’ ( गीत ) meaning ‘song’ or ‘chanting’, ‘Prana’ ( प्राण ) means ‘life energy / force’ and ‘Ayama’ ( आयाम ) means ‘control’ or ‘regulation’. During Udgeeth Pranayama, one needs to chant ‘AUM’ as he exhale in Padmasana.

Udgeeth pranayama is a conscious breathing technique that involves the deep and rhythmic chanting sound of ‘OM’ / ‘AUM’. During its practice this primal sound reverberations resonate mind which helps to bring mental clarity and stability.
AUM is a natural sound that comes without any collision of lips and tongue. It comprises 3 letters: ‘A’ denotes Jagrat awastha or awakening state, ‘U’ indicates Swapna mudra or dream state and ‘M’ signifies Sushupti awastha or deep sleep state.
How to practice Udgeeth Pranayama
Following are the step – by – step instructions to follow for the practice of Udgeeth Pranayama / Omkar Chanting
Step 1 :
- Begin the practice of Udgeeth Pranayama by sitting in a meditative pose like Padmasana or Vajrasana.
Step 2 :
- Keep your spine erected and place the hands on your thighs facing upwards with Gyan/Dhyan Mudra.
Step 3 :
- Close your eyes and take a deep breathe through nose, till your diaphragms get filled with the air fully.
Step 4 :
- Hold your breathe for few seconds then slowly exhale through your nose while chanting the word OM.
Step 5 :
- During the practice of Udgeeth pranayama or chanting of OM the sound of ‘O’ must be longer than ‘M’.
Step 6 :
- Imagine that you’re filled with positivity as you inhale & negative energy goes out with each exhalation.
Step 7 :
- Relax your body muscles completely and practice above steps all over again after about 5-10 minutes.
Top Health Benefits of Udgeeth Pranayama – Omkar Chanting
Following are the major Health Benefits of Udgeeth Pranayama that you may attain with regular practice :
- Udgeeth Pranayama helps to release negative emotions like pent up tension, anger, anxiety guilt, fear, sadness etc.
- Regular practice of Udgeeth Pranayama helps to relieve quality of sleep, cures insomnia and prevents bad dreams.
- The chanting of Omkar during the practice of Udgeeth Pranayama calms your mind, relieves stress and depression.
- The practice of Udgeeth Pranayama aids to reduce ageing effects such as premature graying, wrinkles, hair fall etc.
- Udgeeth Pranayama aids to improve many stomach related problems like indigestion, acidity and kidney disorders.
- The regular practice of Udgeeth Pranayama helps purify body, stimulates chakras and improves energy circulation.
- Udgeeth pranayama is an excellent breathing exercise that improves the lungs capacity & offers relief from cough.
- Omkar Chanting is effective remedy in control high blood pressure and curing problems related to nervous system.
- The practice of Udgeeth Pranayama boosts your memory, concentration, mental stability & decision making power.
Tips For Beginners
- Udgeeth Pranayama is considered as one of the safest exercise without any serious contraindications and precautions.
- Udgeeth Pranayama is a simple exercise that can be practiced by people of all ages – children, women, senior citizens.
- You may practice Udgeeth Pranayama anytime but with gap of about 2 – 4 hours gap between your meal and practice.
- All pregnant women are recommended to consult a doctor or certified yoga teacher before performing the pranayama
Preparatory Poses
- Kapalbhati Pranayama
- Bhaya Pranayama
- Anulom Vilom Pranayama
Follow-up Poses
- Ujjayi Pranayama
- Pranav Pranayama
- Bhastrika Pranayama
The regular practice of Udgeeth Pranayama offers numerous health benefits – re-energizes body, stimulates chakras, improves energy flow, boosts concentration levels, awakens Kundalini, relieves pent – up anger, anxiety, mild depression etc.
We really hope that this article would be useful guide for your practice of Udgeeth Pranayama. Try out this excellent pranayama to boost mind-body coordination and share your views and suggestions on this blog in the comment section below.
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FAQs Related to Udgeeth Pranayama / Omkar Chanting
How do the practice of Udgeeth Pranayama different from Brahmari Pranayama ?
In Udgeeth Pranayama, a yogi need to chant or create the sound of ‘OM’ / AUM whereas during the practice of Brahmari Pranayama one need to make a humming sound of a bee with an every exhalation. Both these exercises help you in deeper meditation session by rejuvenating your mind.